
  • karaoke game
  • Get the microphones
  • A lot of fun in group settings
  • Sad and unplayed alone

Initially released in May of 2004, SingStar is a competitive karaoke-style video game series for the PlayStation series, developed by London Studio and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. There are a bunch of different versions available for PlayStation 2 (see below), and several more were released for the PlayStation 3 as well. You will have to get your hands on the SingStar Microphone set to play any of them though.

SingStar… Really?… Yes really!


I’ll admit my ego was a bit hesitant to scream into a mic for a game, but get a few drinks in and you will be rocking the Hell of it and having a blast doing it too. It is almost always a hit with gatherings of any size, as long as you are not too competitive. With features like playback and rating your skills, each song can become a laugh fest quickly.


Though the options for songs on these games can be a bit questionable, my only real issue with any of these is not so much the games themselves (though there are some small annoyances) but more so the people, and accompanying egos, playing the game. These games really work best if you are not playing competitively. The minute someone steps in to rock everyone’s socks off, the fun level dies pretty quickly. I am not saying you can’t play this game to beat everyone else, it just that I have noticed the game loses a lot of its magic quickly when that’s the aim.


If you like hosting parties and/or karaoke, this game is awesome. If you’re only going to be singing with imaginary friends, I wouldn’t get it.








