Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge

  • Open-world action-oriented flight game
  • Art Deco styling
  • Verious worlds, challanges, planes
  • Arguably a must have

Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge is an action-oriented arcade flight game, developed by FASA Studio for the Xbox and released October 2003. It is the Xbox version of the Crimson Skies series originally for the PC.


I enjoyed this game quite a bit, but I have a bit of a bias when it comes to these action flight games. However, there are so many cool things about this game. A cool alternate Art Deco-style America where zeppelins and biplanes run amok in the skies. The maps are open-ended, where you can jump from mission to mission. Races, challenges, dogfights, and boss battles ranging from taking down air battleships to crazy robots and monsters. You can even jump out of your plane and take down enemies with AA cannons. This game never gets stagnant; challenges are at the right level and just exploring the various worlds to collect random trophies and new planes are fun in its own right.


I did read that a common complaint about this specific version is that it offers less plane customization than the PC game, but it had enough variation for me, though any less would have been a bit too light. The “obstacle course” type challenges can get a bit annoying at times and landing your plain mid battle to either quickly repair it or jump in an AA gun is kind of dumb, but still works.


A must for any good Xbox collection. Maybe even a Retro Nerd must!