Spyro the Dragon

  • Chill, exploritory, platformer
  • Child focuses, but quite charming
  • Started a franchise
  • A Classic and a Retro Nerd Must

Spyro the Dragon is a platform type video game developed by Insomniac Games and released for the original PlayStation on September 9th, 1998. You play a young purple dragon named Spyro, who has to free the rest of his bigger and bader dragon friends from their crystal prisons. The game received positive reviews from critics, with them praising the game’s graphics, high replay value and is the first game in the Spyro the Dragon series.


This is a fun and easy game to pick up and play. Easy to learn, easy to enjoy, while lots of hidden goodies still make it challenging to 100%. Many equate Crash Bandicoot as the game that was Playstations counterpoint to Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64. However, I think Spyro is actually a better comparison. It is much more open world, Crash is quite linear, its got all of the cute quirkiness, powerups and comedic relief bad guys you would expect from a classic platformer game like this. It’s good bunch of levels, with just enough variations and challenges to keep you interested. There is also a “flying only” racing type level in each world too. I think my favorite part of all of this is the fact that Spyro can glide and the creators abused that fact to all ends in all levels, really focusing on the open-world nature of the game. A quick play through will have you enjoying this game and to unlock the treasure room, you must reach 100%, which will keep any hardcore gamer a bit more challenged and coming back for more.

Here are 107 facts about Spyro, 70ish of which are dedicated to just this one game. Enjoy!


Some might call this game a bit too easy, which I don’t think makes it bad, but it can make the game a feel a bit short. That being said there are some insanely hard levels too to 100% as well, though. The music is chill, like the gameplay and is quite appropriate, but it is a bit on the unmemorable side. My only real gripe with this game is the boss battles really suck. They are repetitive, pretty easy and just generally uncreative. I can get past that fact for the mini-bosses in each world, but the final boss is just a giant chase. Yes, he is not that easy to beat, but it’s a one trick pony. Not to mention there is nothing less climatic than a big bad guy who you have been building up to for the entire game, spending the whole fight running away from you.


A really fun and easy game to pick up and rock. For any good PS1 collection this is an absolute must, though right on the line, I would still consider this a Retro Nerd Must.