Baku Baku

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Baku Baku, more popularly known as Baku Baku Animal (initial release in Japan name) is a falling block puzzle arcade game released by Sega for the Sega Saturn on August 31, 1996. Much like Tetris, blocks fall from the top, and if it fills up, you loose. The only difference is that its various types of food that drops down and ever once in a while, an animal comes down that eats that type.


This game is actually a lot of fun and though it seems simple in nature but can get very difficult in practice. It is simple and accessible for any newcomers, yet has enough strategic possibilities to engage even veteran players. Full disclosure, I have never beaten this game. I have gotten all the way up to the queen and she hands my ass to me every time. I looked up online and I can’t find of video anywhere of anyone who has gotten past her either, so you know this game can get difficult. One of the great dynamics of this game is you always play versus someone (A.I. or person) and when you get a good combo you drop some surprise blocks on your enemy, and vice-versa, the better the combo the bigger the drop.


Besides the fact that this game can get incredibly difficult (which isn’t really a bad thing), it is a simple falling blocks puzzle game so if you don’t like them, you won’t like this. It is a bit shallow, you are pretty much playing the same game with just different levels of difficult either versus a person or a computer. The worst part by far is the graphics, in a comically grotesque matter. Now I know that graphics shouldn’t be a major consideration for a retro gamer, but to have the proportions of “Nurse Grape” down below here in this video is just insane and the Saturn had some serious graphics capabilities for its time, and the cut scenes are just as bad and painfully slow. Luckily there are not many of them. The constant “COOL!” and “INCOMING!” is a bit annoying too.


If you like puzzle games and you have a Sega Saturn, this game is a serious must! but if you are not on both of those points, forget about it.